Tuesday, January 11, 2011

6 Days

Sorry for not posting being super lazy! I will tell you guys what happened over the six days. Thursday, Not much to report. Friday, Took pictures at school of my classmates. I will post the pictures. I wen to my dad's and had a good time seeing Tangled. Wait that could've been Saturday. Well Saturday, We made bugs and I tried to stick Justices on the wall. Sunday, Had Grandpa George and my Grandma Nadine over for a ''late lunch''. Then we went to Grandma Jensen for Cori lynn's hair to get done. I hung out and watched dinosaurs with my cousin, Max, and I didn't get the whole movie but he sounded pretty sad when the T-rex dies. Monday, We did this thing where we reanact the American Revoulution. It was fun but not really. Today, We did the spelling bee and guess what?.....I AM IN THE SPELLING BEE!!!!! We saw the Taylorsville dance company. I wasn't impressed but they probably worked hard on it.
*Guys make a wish it's 1-11-11. I hope it comes true*

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