Saturday, February 19, 2011

So Sorry I Haven't Been Posting!

Sorry I haven'y been posting. I have been super busy!!!!!!!!! Okay so I have started indoor soccer and we kick butt! Yeah we won our last two games but I didn't go to my game to day because we were in PARK CITY!!!!!!!!!!! We bought alot of stuff. From Nike and Areopostale. Yeah they're pretty awesome stuff. Then I went with Lynn and McKayde and Jillian. That new Avril Lavienge song was on and McKayde was mouthing the words with it and let me tell you it was...SUPER DUPER FUNNY! Then we just went to Scoreboard and we saw a soccer dude named Aidan. Then we just went home and I still had some money to go to the gas station near my dad's called the Junction. Me and McKayde went down there. We got a few stuff. Yeah it was fun. We got home and just did nothing and right now i am babysitting the little siblings. yeah. Yesterday we went to Down town Salt Lake to just stay in a hotel called the Marrot. We went swimming and McKayde is a blanket stealer! (inside joke) So i will try to post more but for now. Adios!

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