Sunday, April 10, 2011

4 tips about 7th grade

Okay I am going to give some tips that I think that us fifth,sixth, and new seventh graders should now. 1. You have to know how to do your hair! I think you should know how to do your own hair when you get to seventh grade. When my mom does my hair it sometimes look a little to "little kidish". So This is how I do my hair.

This is how I usually do my hair. I just straighten it and pull my freakishly long bangs back and clip them. But just keeping it straight is alright to.

2. Being MATURE

When you get to the seventh grade you have got to be mature. People hate it when people aren't mature so please please PLEASE be mature!

3. Being a good friend

You gotta be a good friend! If you say one thing insulting your friend will for surely be mad at you. So I would think before you say.

4. You have to know how to dance...a little

You gotta know how to dance a little and you are going to dances.

I am Montana Nugent and these are four tips about 7th grade.

1 comment:

  1. Oh are sure growing up! Look at you giving advice! And I totally agree with all of it!! One thing I would add, don't forget that it's ok to be different. If you don't fit in right away, you will find friends that get you- and you get them. And that's all you need to get thru! Oh- and it's ok to let your mom do your hair once in a while :-) Right?
