Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Good and the not Good times I Have Been Having

Okay guys sorry i haven't been posting as much but now you get to hear all the Good and the Not Good times. On Friday I had a good time at school. I had TFT ( It's usuallly Friday Free Time but we had no school on Friday.) I drew and hung out with Bill and Jordan. Bill drew Jayden's family in cat form. But his wife died. He has to raise two kids now. Poor Jayden. Anyways then we went to lunch. Kade sat by me and I just talked to Mrs. Williams. She hangs out with us on Fridays. She talked about naming her baby. I hope it's a boy. Then I went to recess. I hung out with All these dudes but the only thing i can remmeber is that Hyrum and Jordan were trying to be strippers. It was super funny. Hyrum almost fell on his face. Then we went back in form recess and Sophie and me are partners for the science fair. After school I went over to her house and we worked on our science fair project.We are doing what happens to cold water when you pour cold water in? Yeah that didn't go so well. but in the middle of that we had some hot cheetos. But I had to go early to meet my dad. I listened to rap on the radio. I heard the vitamin water commerical song. It was really sad. But we got to Lehi and got in my dad's car and off we went to his house. When we got there Lynn,McKayde,and Jillian were in las Vegas. We ate some chilli and played some ROCKBAND!!! I sung to Roxanne. I rocked that song! Then Justice went to bed and I watched That 70's Show. Then went to bed! i had the strangest dream. I had a dream that a block of cheese was chasing me. I wonder what that means? On Friday I woke up at 6:00 in the morning and got ready for the day. We drove to Lehi. Got in my mom's car and and I can't remember what we did on Friday. Hmmm? Can't remember Saturday either. Maddy sleep over on Sunday. We partied. We played wii. We ate some oreos too. monday we were going to serve people but they were closed. We played monoply. Then maddy left. My eye was red yesterday and that was not fun. =( Today I had a goood time and there was only one bad the whole weekend and that makes me happy =)

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